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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Talkin' bout a heat wave

This morning I stepped outside to take some photos, and as soon as I ventured out of the controlled climate of the Bab Al Bahr Hotel I was ambushed by an invisible cosmic blow dryer that, in tandem with the angry massive sun, fogged over my sunglasses, turned my skin soggy with sweat, and sent me in to a temporary panic about suffering a painful-desert death in mere seconds.  

To say that it is hot here is a gross understatement comparable to saying the ocean is moist.  And to say it's a dry heat implies that the heat is more comfortable than the heat American midwesterners are used to, which is a stretch.  But I will take this over a biting January morning in Missouri any day.  

Below is a picture of my hotel.  There are outside lagoons, pools, and fountains at every turn.  I think these manufactured bodies of water are a subliminal DON'T PAINC messages to people who are unaccustomed to this heat and are considering the possibility that they might be dying.  These crystal-water pools, in their babbling and splashing intonations seem to be whispering, "In case of emergency - we are here to help."

Below is a picture of my hotel room.  Note the rich mahogany. Rich, rich mahogany.

Below is a picture of my bathroom facilities.  My bathroom includes a tub that is over 10 feet deep with a great view of my TV, surround sound, and remote controlling capabilities for all the room's electronic devices.  I typically don't watch much TV, but now that I can watch it from my swimming tub, I've become a bit of a tub potato.

Below is a picture of the second largest Mosque in the world, which is right across that anonymous body of water from my hotel.  There is an impressive yacht floating around out there.  It is a tradition to name a yacht, and while I couldn't read the Arabic on the back of the boat, I have to assume it was named Allah this water Israel nice.

As-Salamu-Alaykum- and thanks to all who have been following me.  Over 500 views of my blog in the last 2 days.  Thanks for your support!


  1. What an adventure! I will be looking forward to more astute observations from you. Good thing you're naturally cool! ;)

  2. Impressive Showalter, very impressive.

  3. Guess how long it took me to "get" the boat name. Now guess how long it took me to stop crying once I figured it out. Thanks for the updates.. keep them coming!

  4. Amber, my guess is 42 seconds...for both.

  5. Unless you left your "Guide" at home, you should've already known not to panic :)
